Highlights of Sailing Cuba

The relaxing of the US embargo means Cuba is about to change forever. I decided years ago that I wanted to visit before there’s a McDonald’s and a Starbucks on every corner. Given that I wanted to see the islands as well, G Adventures’ 7 day Sailing Cuba tour had the ideal itinerary for everything […]

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The Cutest Village in Mexico

Just two hours from the bustling traffic of Mexico City, I fell in love. Malinalco is the exactly the small-town Mexican experience I had hoped for. Rustic buildings with peeling paint in every shade between mustard and amber. Roughly cobbled roads. Fruit stalls that smell of tamarind and coconut. Quiet streets, with the sound of […]

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Hollywood Drama

My entire motel room smells like kiwifruit vodka. I suspect it’s probably masking worse odours. This is the kind of motel a hooker would be ashamed of. The shower is just a pipe with no head that leaks an erratic spray roughly equivalent to a scalding hot sneeze. On days like today, I’d usually sit […]

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