Yesterday I got the bargain of the century. Our room is sorely lacking furniture, and everything is so expensive that I’ve been putting my stuff on the floor beside my bed every night rather than pay £20 for a set of dusty plastic drawers from the variety store to use as a bedside table. I figured that eventually someone nearby would sell a real bedside cheap on eBay, and decided to be patient.
So, for the past six weeks I’ve had my eBay eye on all bedside tables within 10 miles of here. And yesterday, I set my alarm to go off one minute before a pretty good one closed. And won it for 99p!
My 99p bedside table. |
The only issue was how to get it home without paying for a taxi (which would defeat the purpose of getting a bargain). You can see where this is going.
Apparently it’s a security risk to take furniture on the tube because “I could have anything in there”. Well, that’s what the guard said to me anyway. Once we traded funny looks and I showed him my bedside table was empty, he let me on.
There were no seats on the train so I popped my bedside table in the wheelchair space and sat on it. I got some seriously memorable looks!
This repeated itself several times as I had to take two tubes and a bus to get home. My favourite part was the escalator.